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Thought Leadership

Five Ways Brands Can Maximize Content Creation 

NFL star, Tyreek Hill, BTS with Unconquered, a New York production and creative agency.

When it comes to promoting your brand, creating high-quality content that resonates with your audiences is of the utmost importance. While consistently creating these quality deliverables for your social media channels, website, marketing and advertising can be expensive, there are ways to maximize the amount you create during the production process. You’ll want to implement strategies from start to finish to increase content creation. To help, we’ve made some recommendations you can take to do just that: 

Outline a content strategy.

Ensuring you get the maximum amount of content out of your production starts before the cameras ever begin rolling. You’ll want to create a content strategy rooted in a solid brief that lays the ground with where it’s going, across paid and organic channels. By doing so, you can more thoroughly understand the content needs and take the time to decide where the pieces will live. This will in turn create an in-depth plan for production to decide what type of camera you will need down to how you organize post-production. 

Not sure where to start with your content strategy? Our strategists and producers are available for a consultation

Use BTS footage to create additional content and take fans behind the scenes. 

BTS footage can be used in a variety of ways – from teasers on your social media, website, presentations to PR opportunities .Before you shoot, write out a list of behind the scenes deliverables you want to create and where they will go. You won’t need a large crew for BTS capture, which can consist of a camera operator and potentially someone to capture audio depending on if you will be interviewing cast and crew.  

Enlist the help of influencers.

If you have influencers on set, use their down time to create user generated content for social media. During Unconquered’s shoots for Brine, the athletes made TikToks on set, giving the athletic brand a treasure chest of UGC. 

Use multiple sets to expand the looks and quantity of final assets. 

By using more than one set in a single location, you can double down on content making for a more efficient shoot. For Brooks, Unconquered produced an influencer lab  with ten social media stars with backgrounds in fitness, beauty, and wellness to launch their Energize Collection. On a one day shoot, spread across three different sets, we were able to create 172 different campaign video and photo assets, including a brand anthem. 

Repurpose footage from you archive. 

Using your archive footage to create social ads allows you to maximize content on a very small budget. It also keeps a cohesive look between your past and current campaigns. Just don’t overuse your footage or your marketing and advertising will begin to feel stale.

While maximizing the content you create in one production session might increase costs in the short term, it’ll save you in the long run. While working on your current shoot, be sure to create an ongoing structure that helps you map out your future captures as well. With pre-planning and creativity incorporated into your process, you can ensure your brand has a large quantity of high-quality assets to use for months to come. Need to maximize your content capture? Get in touch with one of our producers to learn more.