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Rob Koenen
Boxed Water Is Better

Robert Koenen, CMO of Boxed Water, and Jonathan get to the heart of brand values and talk through how they can ripple through a business in the form of give back programs, decision making and how customers relate to your brand in this week’s episode. A former executive at Timberland, Hushpuppies and UGG, Robert speaks to his early experiences in fashion to help frame his current role at Boxed Water is Better, where he is responsible for all marketing initiatives. 

“I spent the first half of my life mucking up this planet and I plan to spend the second half cleaning it up. I love the fact that the younger generation is so impassioned by environmental issues.” said Robert. 

During their conversation, they talked through the role brands need to take in aligning with social issues as well as taking responsibility for their environmental impact. “It’s a matter of time, we have some laggards, but the majority of people understand that a brand needs to do something to help the community in one way or the other.” said Robert. 

Listen in as the two discuss how companies must take a stand on issues because consumers are going to find what aligns with them and support those businesses. Boxed Water is Better, has taken the stance of reducing plastic waste by providing an alternative to bottled water using renewable resources in their boxed water.