We unlock the emotional power of fandom for brands.

Burn Warp Pro 2

Product Launch
The Challenge

Ignite Sales

The Unconquered team was tasked with creating a campaign based on the technical aspects of the product to help drive market differentiation and re-solidify the WARP name. The WARP products have faced challenges from player adoption because of the pre-strung head design and lack of customization.

Content Strategy

Our Solution

We created a product anthem video to launch the product as well as additional video content with their sponsored athlete, Ryan Brown. While an unstrung or typical lacrosse head provides ultimate creative control of the pocket, it requires a deep knowledge of proper stringing and constant maintenance by the player or a teammate. So we incorporated a stringing tutorial for those who are interested in unstrung heads while shooting demos with the Burn Warp Pro 2 to reinforce it as a pre-strung option. We also filmed behind the scenes coverage to maximize content during the limited time we had with Brown.