We unlock the emotional power of fandom for brands.

Onelife Fitness

Creative Strategy & Content Production
The Full Story

The Challenge

Onelife Fitness approached us to help them create a fitness marketing campaign to kick off 2022. Health & fitness resolutions make the new year a crowdedand key season for gyms. While most gyms compete on price, our view was to differentiate, using storytelling to illustrate the value they give to customers’ everyday lives. We took a playful and approachable spin to their story as we crafted the creative strategy and led the content production.


The Approach

Our creative team focused on what Onelife Fitness can give members by connecting the benefits to real life moments. Home requires upkeep, work requires time but fitness is 100% on your terms, giving you fuel for what you need to conquer everything else. We dug into the everyday activities we all perform to show how gym exercises connect to real life moments and actions at home and work. The creative concepts we developed used a production technique called match cutting to seamlessly show how these two worlds work together. A match cut is a cut from one shot to another where the composition of the two shots are matched by the action or subject and subject matter. Each story was rooted in how Onelife Fitness has what you need to live your best life.