We unlock the emotional power of fandom for brands.


Gym Marketing That Departs With Price Incentives, Onelife Fitness

Health & fitness resolutions make the new year a crowded and key season for gym marketing. While most gyms compete on price, our view was to differentiate, using storytelling to illustrate the value they give to customers’ everyday lives. We took a playful and approachable spin to Onelife Fitness’ story as we crafted the creative strategy and led the content production.

How The Strategy Informed The Creative

Our creative team focused on what Onelife Fitness can give you by connecting the benefits associated with having a membership to real life moments. Home requires upkeep, work requires time but fitness is 100% on your terms, giving you fuel for what you need to conquer everything else. We dug into the everyday activities we all perform to show how gym exercises connect to real life moments and actions at home and work. The creative concepts we developed used a production technique called match cutting to seamlessly show how these two worlds work together. A match cut is a cut from one shot to another where the composition of the two shots are matched by the action or subject and subject matter.

The first concept, “Groceries,” shows our hero doing what everyone does when they get home from the store with a trunk full of groceries… grab and carry as many bags as possible. Our hero makes it from the car to the kitchen in one carry while we used match cutting to tie together shots of our hero carrying weights, illustrating how his work in the gym benefited this life moment.

The second concept, “Squeaky Toy,” starts off on a video conference, something all of us are fairly familiar with after working from home. As our hero kicks off her call, her dog brings a toy over to her and they engage in a tug of war battle while we match cut in similar movements from her work out that helped her win against her pup. See the full case study here.

In the traditional agency structure, agency creative and production work in silos, often creating a big disconnect between the concept and production budget. We believe that in order to live your best campaign life, there needs to be a clear, outlined process that begins during the campaign concept phase so that the ideas delivered can be actionable in the production phase. This helped make the campaign concepting and production handoff more efficient and resulted in a successful production.

Get In Touch

Unconquered lead the campaign strategy, campaign concept development and production. Our cofounder and head of creative, Jonathan Hanson, is available to help you seamlessly create your next campaign. Reach out to set up a consultation.

About Unconquered

Unconquered is a creative agency building brand equity through meaningful storytelling. We challenge our partners to be courageously curious through practical strategy and a community-first approach. Our values are our North Star and they include: people over profit, create with purpose and enable people’s passions.