We unlock the emotional power of fandom for brands.

Thought Leadership

How to align creative and production to stay in budget.



Behind the scenes on a video production with Unconquered creative agency .

As you know, creating content is a necessary albeit expensive part of your marketing and advertising strategy. Picking the right production team to bring your vision to life is vital to not only getting the final product that you want, but doing so in a timely and fiscally responsible manner. There are steps you can take to work with your agency partner to ensure you stay within your budget while still creating killer content. Most of them involve being proactive in your planning and flexible in your approach. Here are a few you can enact in your brand’s next production: 

Work together from the start

By bringing a production team in when you still just have a loose idea around your creative, you can put a plan in place together. Many times creatives are unsure that the script they’re proposing is way outside of the client’s budget, so realizing this earlier on in the process with a producer’s help ensures you stay within scope. Producers can use their wealth of experience to see a script and know where large expenses lie when creating it. Having these conversations earlier in the game ultimately makes the process more efficient. It eliminates the disappointment clients might face further down the line when they realize too late that the creative they’ve grown to love is too expensive to make and they have to head back to the drawing board. 

If you have an upcoming production and are not sure when to start, get in touch with our producers for a consultation

Think economically

Consider the non-negotiables in the creative that are necessary to the heart of the story. Do you actually need the amount of talent or can you limit them? Are there any locational considerations that can be shifted without affecting your storyline? Can you rent a location such as a school that has multiple places to shoot so you can work on more than one scene at once with the talent you have on set.  

Protect against the variables 

Putting contingency plans in place that allow for flexibility around elements that may affect your shoot is good practice. If it’s outside or driven by weather, consider having back up locations that could work. Also, make sure to have a backup crew on hold in case of sickness such as COVID. For Unconquered’s shoot with Porter-Cable, the house that was being used as the set, unexpectedly had a crew on the roof, ripping it apart with a big pile of debris in the area designated for the video village. Our production team had to quickly find a safe solution to ensure the shoot stayed on schedule. When dealing with the time constraints of shooting, having those upfront conversations and contingencies is valuable especially when every second counts. 

Think outside of the box 

Part of the producer’s job is understanding a creative’s desires but keeping them in check. At Unconquered, we believe that there’s more than one way to do something, so when a problem arises with something being out of budget, our producers approach the situation in a different way. They bring new solutions to the table to accomplish the vision while pushing themselves creatively.

Unconquered is a creative agency and New York production company here to help you make all of your content dreams come to reality. Contact us today for a consultation.