We unlock the emotional power of fandom for brands.


Watch Us Campaign

For over 60 years, Brine has been innovating and improving the game of Lacrosse. Stick by stick. Head by head. Victory by victory. Brine prides itself on being a brand dedicated to commitment, hard work and most importantly – the game of Lacrosse. A historically men’s focused multi-sport brand, this past year we worked with their internal creative team as they rebranded, creating a new logo and campaign to launch not only a new stick and head, but a brand focused campaign that reintroduces the now women’s focused brand to be the leader in women’s lacrosse. Full case study here

We launched the campaign using the hashtag #watchus as we call on the world to take notice that women’s lacrosse is more than worthy of their attention. The campaign is meant to inspire young women to be a better friend, teammate, player, competitor and ultimately a badass on and off the field. By empowering the athlete, we shine a brighter light on the game, making it more accessible. Micro site here