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Thought Leadership

Brian Schneider In Muse by Clio

Unconquered co-founder and CEO, Brian Schneider, was featured in Muse by Clio’s ongoing column, Time Out, where they chat with people in the sports world about their favorite athletes, teams, sports movies and their love of sports generally. Anyone who knows Brian, knows he has a deep love of sports dating back to his childhood. Read the full article here. Snippet below.

“Brian, tell us…

Where you grew up, and where you live now.

We moved around growing up. I was born in Cincinnati, froze in snow-covered Buffalo, and lived on the lakes of South Carolina, before moving to the Land of Pleasant Living (Baltimore).

Your earliest sports memory.

Playing and practicing with my dad and younger brother in the backyard. We’d play everything from wiffle ball to pickle to roller hockey. Most of my early years were spent playing, watching or attending sports.”