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Thought Leadership

Leadership In Turbulent Times

Unconquered’s CCO, Jonathan Hanson, is featured in Authority’s, “Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times”. Read the full interview where he digs into brand values as a guide for leadership and how his early experiences as a mentee shaped his future.

Excerpt from the interview below.

“I think transparency, empathy, sticking to brand or personal values, commitment and honesty are really important for leadership during turbulent times. These help ensure that a leader is looking at a problem or guidance from a multitude of perspectives while maintaining a foundation to work from,” said Jonathan Hanson, CCO.

What would you say is the most critical role of a leader during challenging times?

I think there are several things that are critical for leaders to having during challenging times: empathy, compassion and keeping a level head.

Empathy is something that I have learned is necessary over the course of my career because it allows me to help take my ego out of the equation and see it from someone else’s perspective. Making important decisions that are a result of ego are really dangerous and short sided. Empathy also gives me the space to help nurture the development of our team while also making space for failure which is key to growth and innovation.